Saturday, December 6, 2008

Family Christmas pics

We finally took some family photos this year, here is a small sample of what we got. You can check out our photographers web site at...


kristin said...

Seriously Cute!!!! Love it!

MJ said...


Hey! this is sis. higginbotham (Mel Jensen now) I don't know if I've posted on your blog yet...I've been looking at it for a few monhts. You're little family is SO cute and congratulations on the new little one coming. I hope you're feeling better and everything is going well. I just wanted to tell you that these family photos are AMAZING! I just love them! You have a great photographer and your photographer has a great-looking famiy to photograph!

The JNJ Hasleton's said...

Super cute & very original. Not just the normal studio stuff.

Afton said...

I TOTALLY LOVE THESE PHOTOS! You guys look wonderful and I'm so jealous that you have such cute shots of little Mac. Gorgeous darlings!

Jill said...

was this a shoot for a magazine? they're great! although, dan, kenzie didn't seem too happy that you were trying to snuggle with her-- did you make her mad that morning.

great photographer, can i use him for my wedding? wait...:)

Amanda said...

The pics are amazing! You all look so happy!

Rebecca said...

What a cute family! Janae in that first picture you kind of look like Rebecca Reid. I love your family pictures!

Laura said...

That is one cute family.

The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

WOW! These are awesome!

Lauren said...

So cute! I love the pics.

The Gainors said...

those are gorgeous. so new-age. tell me this was 4 months ago and thats why you cant even tell that u are pregnant.

Erixgirl said...

Wow, those are such gooooood pictures. Looks like it was fun, too!

BrookeandSpence said...

I love your family pics, they are amazing. You look great and your little girl is adorable. It is cool to see what you are up to nowadays. (I found your blog through the Middletons)
Love, Brooke Sowards Thompson

Tracy Haws said...

Janay I just had to tell you that they came out amazing! You guys look so happy and filled with joy...Wish I could see you in person!

Robyn Hollobaugh said...

I LOVE them! You are so beautiful Janay.

Melinda Jones said...

You guys look so great! I love these photos. We hope you all are doing well.